In order to design your new kitchen, you first need to sit down and decide two things........
- You will need to know how much room you have to put your kitchen in.
- You'll also need to know what you want to be able to do in your kitchen!
If you're looking for a lot of food preparation area, for example, you'll want a different kitchen design than somebody who is trying to find space to fit lots of food and cooking utensil storage.
Once you've decided on the basic layout for your kitchen, then you'll need to think of what appliances you're going to put in there. You'll need to make sure that there is enough room in your kitchen for the refrigerator and oven – and probably a dishwasher as well. Therefore, once you have a general idea of where you want to put your appliances, you should decide exactly which models will be put in and get the exact measurements from the distributor.
Remember to take into consideration the "work Triangle", using a triangle to plot the best location for your appliances in the room. You don't want to be taking lots of extra steps to the fridge, every time you need something for the dish you're preparing.
Then, once you have the measurements for those appliances, you'll be able to decide how to finalize the rest of your kitchen design, adding cabinets etc. to fill the spaces between appliances.
Some things that you should consider regarding the design of your new kitchen are how difficult it will be to install or repair the appliances that you have in your kitchen. If you make it difficult to reach the back of your refrigerator, you'll have a hard time getting back there if it ever needs to be repaired.
Additionally, you should avoid having gaps between counters in areas where you will be cooking or washing dishes often. The reason for this is that gaps allow food or water to get down into hard to reach places – which means that when you finally do get to that part of the floor, it will be even messier than you would have expected and may even be an invitation to unwanted pests.
You will next want to consider what activities you will need included in your design, will you be having dinner for a family of four, or will a breakfast bar for two suffice for your family? Will you need office space for a computer or space for a T.V. included in the design? Now is the time to consider these things, not the day after the cabinets are installed.
There are two main things that you should think about using while you're designing your kitchen. The first is always a good step – that's just using a pencil and paper to draw out what you want to put in there. However, if you don't trust your artistic skills
If you'd rather have help in designing your kitchen and implementing your plan, feel free to contact us here at Lakeside Interiors and we'll be happy to assist you and even give you a computer rendering of what your kitchen will look like when it's completed.
Lakeside Interiors specializes in renovating existing kitchens as well as bathrooms and basements so, if you aren't looking for a "full contact" DIY experience, get together with us and we'll make your dream kitchen a reality for you!
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While you're on the site, feel free to download the FREE E-book there to help you with your bathroom renovation plan, more books are in the planning stages, but I started with bathrooms.
While you're on the site, feel free to download the FREE E-book there to help you with your bathroom renovation plan, more books are in the planning stages, but I started with bathrooms.
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This article was published by:
Keith McGorlick,
Author, Blogger,
Home Improvement Expert &
President of, Lakeside Interiors
Windsor & Barrie Ontario
705-881-4456 in Barrie or,
226-946-9651 in Windsor or,
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